
Tuesday, April 28, 2009

Sorry I haven't posted for a bit. I have been busy.

 It's getting really hot here. The weather is nice and toasty! I love warmth. 
So. How are you all? 
Is it getting warm where you live? 


Tuesday, April 21, 2009

Rain is gross. And it's wet. It's raining lots. It was nice. Now it is sad. 

I don't like wet. I know. I shall tell you a story. 

Once I was trying to get a fishy on a shelf above the bath. But I think something happened. Because then I was in the bath. And there was water in the Bath. And I was wet. 
The people get very worried whenever I get wet. They think I will get chills. I just hate it. 
Mumma Person had to blow me dry with a blower. It was loud. But warm. I don't like wet. 

My person once told me that some cats like to swim. She said they were really big cats. Bigger than Daddy Person. I don't know if it's true. She said they were called "tigers" and they swim for fun. She said they swim to cool off. 

That is crazy. Why would a cat want to cool off? Or get wet? Eww. Has anyone heard of these "tigers"? Are they real? It would be really cool if they were. They would be amazing. 
Sometimes my person calls me her little tiger


Monday, April 20, 2009

Not much happened yesterday. My person wasn't feeling well, so I could have lots of cuddles. That was nice. 

I am going to show you guys Pudgy and I playing a while ago. It was very enjoyable. We got those catnip bags for Christmas. I try to kill mine, while Fluff licks hers. 


Sunday, April 19, 2009

My person is bad with cameras. We don't have on right broke. 

So, I am posting a picture of me in the sun, and of me playing.
I am me. I love sun. And Warmth. And such. 


Ash and Pinky were very kind today. They gave me an AWARD! It is exciting. I was excited. I am excited. 
I've never received an award before but I shall try my best to do this right. 

This award is-

* As a dedication for those who love blogging activity and love to encourage friendships through blogging.
* To seek the reasons why we all love blogging!
* Put the award in one post as soon as you receive it
* Don’t forget to mention the person who gives you the award.
* Answer the award’s question by writing the reason why you love blogging.
* Tag and distribute the award to as many people as you like.
* Don’t forget to notify the award receivers and put their links in your post.

I love blogging because I can meet lots of kitties and I can get attention and love from all over the world. 

I would like to give this award to all the kitties and the Cat-A-Blog. They are new bloggers like myself. They are nice too!


Saturday, April 18, 2009

My person is making me post this.

This is Fluffy. She is my sister. I am her sister. I am older. 
She is a scaredy-cat.   
She is also called Pudge, Puggle and Puggle Wuggle.


I am dictating this in a breif break to my outside adventure. 

My purrsuading skills worked. I was escorted outside. 
My day is wonderful. I have been in and out all day. 

The sun is so warm. I rolled about. Then I found catmint to roll in. 
It smelled delectable. Then, to my horror, MY person came out of the house carrying Fluffy! 
She is too wimpy to stay out. She ran closer to the house but she got disorientated. 
I helped her by herding her towards the house. But. She didn't even go in! 
She got scared. She is inside now
I am out. Going to find my catmint. 
Go outside Cats. It's warrrrm. 


Mummy Person is making creepy comments about teeth cleaning. 

I hate having my teeth cleaned. 
They make me fall asleep. 
I hope they forget about this. 
       hopeful purrs,


Thanks for all the comments! I feel loved. 

Today is a nice day. I shall convince my people 
to let me explore. They can be stubborn. 
Wish me luck.


Friday, April 17, 2009

My person suggested I post a photo. 

I shall. 
This is me. 


Hi. My name is Evy. This is my blog. ALL mine. 

My person is going to help me type it. But she is slow. 
If I have any say in it Fluffy will never get to post here. 
But I won't. My person might let her to be "fair".
Fair is such a human concept. 
That is my post. 