
Saturday, April 18, 2009

I am dictating this in a breif break to my outside adventure. 

My purrsuading skills worked. I was escorted outside. 
My day is wonderful. I have been in and out all day. 

The sun is so warm. I rolled about. Then I found catmint to roll in. 
It smelled delectable. Then, to my horror, MY person came out of the house carrying Fluffy! 
She is too wimpy to stay out. She ran closer to the house but she got disorientated. 
I helped her by herding her towards the house. But. She didn't even go in! 
She got scared. She is inside now
I am out. Going to find my catmint. 
Go outside Cats. It's warrrrm. 


Lucy Belle said...

So did you find your catmint yet? I never go outside so I think I will be just like Fluffy. Not that I am a wimp mind you, I just prefer not getting my paws dirty. =^^=

Rusty said...

I was out most of the day today helping my Mom clean the garden and get it ready for planting. I like being outside, but now I just got too tired (I am 18) and I had to come in and take a senior nap.

Evy said...

I found my catmint. I rolled in it. It was nice.

Only Mummy Person is out now. My person went in with words to the effect of "too hot". Another human concept I don't understand.

Angel, Kirby and Max said...

Outside looks fun, but Mom is like Fluffy. Sje is a scaredy cat

Pinky Ash and Boo said...

Hi Evy,we have an award to share with you,you can pick it up on our blog.