today i shalls try typoing. MY Hu-sorry anout the capitels-my humanis not bweing helpful todway. i don't have much to say. i can sawy much. this is taking me a verty long time. how does she do itr so farst?>
today is the last dose of the medeciune the v-e-t gave mee. that is excything. did you know my medecueine was bright pink? my servents think it whas the same medecidne that they gave MY servent when shee got somethig called lymme diseasee. i have been very welll behavedw about taking it.
i am incredeabky apoliogetic about my atrroucious typinhg skills
you did very good typing!
Evy, we think you did purrty good considering...
Good job Evy. It is getting cold where we live in New Zealand, winter is on its way.
Good typing, Evy! I am glad you are all done with the medicines.
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